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Tendai Mzungu: Annual Fantasy Scores

Club: Fremantle     Year: 2011     Games: 16
Rnd Opponent News K HB Pos Mk HO Tk Free G.B FF DT SC Y! FR GS
P1Hawthorn 68142011/00.3.345151313751
P1West Coast4592000/20.2.22244122233
9Pt Adelaide3362000.2.22114141824
10St Kilda1410245021.4.1085771086793
15Gold Coast 142166062/
18West Coast1012224050/12.3.1583951076593
20St Kilda 1515305051/
21Carlton 981730113/
22North Melb.1210227021.13.2.2092966776100
24W. Bulldogs146207021/
2011 H&A Totals:1511162676305211/1011.338.33.2611132113911748971215
2011 H&A Avg/14:118195041198181846487

DT        2185597974 108 6183841141059276
DT-        2153556164 71 70717377798080
-DT        8185868889 90 88929496918684
SC        1477648592 103 539579113979657
SC-        1446526066 73 70737478798179
-SC        8187878990 90 88939395918986

Fantasy scores are coloured green for team wins and red for team losses.
DT = Dream Team score in this round. DT- = Dream Team average up to that round inclusive. -DT = Dream Team average from that round on.
SC = Supercoach score in this round. SC- = Supercoach average up to that round inclusive. -SC = Supercoach average from that round on.

Dream Team difference in 4 wins vs 10 losses: 67.3 - 86.3 = -19.1
Supercoach difference in 4 wins vs 10 losses: 63.8 - 88.4 = -24.7

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Mr Football

Mr FootballThe Mr Football fantasy management simulation is being developed for a soft launch as a mobile game for Android and iPhone in 2023. It is a collectible card game set in a different world, one where Ross Oakley failed and there is no national league… but footy still thrives. Become the coach of your own team, recruit players by opening card packs, train them up, play teams from all over Australia and try to win it all! Check out the latest rules document from the original browser game on the Mr Football board.