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Toby Greene: Annual Fantasy Scores

Club: Greater Western Sydney     Year: 2014     Games: 16
Rnd Opponent News K HB Pos Mk HO Tk Free G.B FF DT SC Y! FR GS
P2St Kilda714211023/01.2.86387755272
2St Kilda1115266020/13.1.1986826373102
4W. Bulldogs1013231031/
7Pt Adelaide814225040/22.3.157755986593
8West Coast1518334034/
19Richmond 9182740104/18.2.5011611711389123
20North Melb.1025359053/15.1.31127161156109147
23W. Bulldogs2012328050/
2014 H&A Totals:1972254228106228/
2014 H&A Avg/15:13152850402410310310584116

DT8586857891 77109       6311893116127126165125
DT-8586858485 8487       848889919496101103
-DT103104106107110 112116       117124125132136139145125
SC9682848287 5595       63132107117161111141131
SC-9689878686 8183       818688919798101103
-SC103103105107109 111118       120129128132136128136131

Fantasy scores are coloured green for team wins and red for team losses.
DT = Dream Team score in this round. DT- = Dream Team average up to that round inclusive. -DT = Dream Team average from that round on.
SC = Supercoach score in this round. SC- = Supercoach average up to that round inclusive. -SC = Supercoach average from that round on.

Dream Team difference in 4 wins vs 11 losses: 105.3 - 102.1 = 3.2
Supercoach difference in 4 wins vs 11 losses: 105.5 - 102.0 = 3.5

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Mr Football

Mr FootballThe Mr Football fantasy management simulation is being developed for a soft launch as a mobile game for Android and iPhone in 2023. It is a collectible card game set in a different world, one where Ross Oakley failed and there is no national league… but footy still thrives. Become the coach of your own team, recruit players by opening card packs, train them up, play teams from all over Australia and try to win it all! Check out the latest rules document from the original browser game on the Mr Football board.